There are situations in which divorce is probably favorable to staying in a marriage, such as abuse. There are no-fault divorces now, the only reason that people divorce is because they no longer feel "in love." (That is probably over simplifying what happens in these situations, but I really do not have much experience.) Any person that has been married, will say that "love" does not just come without work and effort. Marriage is the most sacred and perfect place to develop Christ-like characteristics. It is a place for one to forget about their own desires, learn how to work together, and make decisions with another person. God planned it out like this. He knew that we would need an institution like this to help us become better people. The other day, I saw something on Facebook which said that the couple was very happy to have divorced, but are still raising their kids together. What does that say to the child?
In the situations in which a marriage has to be discontinued, it is important that as the divorcee looks at new relationships in a different light and how they can go about things in a different way, so that the love can last.