Saturday, October 10, 2015

I love my family. I really do. They make up my entire life. Everything that my parents taught and all the torture that all my older siblings inflicted on me has made me who I am today. Now you feel bad, huh, Rebecca? Just kidding, I've forgiven you. But in all seriousness, I loved and still do love being with family. We've had some great times together and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
All of us come from different families. We all have those things that we love about our families. For me, one of those things is that we spend our Sundays together. My parents really took the time to emphasize the importance of family time and that families are forever. Now that I do not live near relatives, it just makes Skype and phone calls just that much more precious. I want that for my future family. There are a lot of things that I learned as a child that I want to include in my own family. Things such as being active in church programs, or that we looked for different opportunities to serve others. I love that I got to do it. At the time, not so much, but now I get it. Mom and Dad, do you hear that? I understand now why you made me do good things, so thank you for making me go. Keep up the good work!
But we all know that there are some things that we do not want to perpetuate once we start families of our own. These things might be super personal. Or they might just be that I want to teach specific things to my children that I do not remember being taught myself. The class that we had this week made me reflect on certain things that I found helpful in my own family and that I want to change. And it just makes me excited for the future.

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