Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Children are the Greatest Tresure

My feelings on kids. How do I describe them? To say that I love children might just be the understatement of my life. I cannot explain what it means to me to play with my nieces and nephews. When I was in high school, I babysat for a family that had triplets. They were some of the funniest little boys with whom I have ever played. I thought that it was super interesting whenever I got to be around them. Those little boys were always together, so they shared many things in common (like they loved to jump on me and be swung around). Yet, they were different from one another. I remember that one of the boys loved music while the other two were not as interested. I once held a music recital and while I was playing he was waving his arms as if he were directing me. I feel like this difference was not caused by anything to do with a difference in upbringing, but a lot to do with how we were before we came to earth. God created us to be different from others so that we can all contribute something our mortal experience. 

In our class we talked about the importance of how we raise our children, emphasizing the question of nature or nurture. Any parent can attest that most of the time, a girl will want to play with the dollies and play house while a boy will be more rough and tumble. This, I believe, comes from our divine nature as male and female. I believe these traits come from before we were born. To get a little more in depth about this belief, you can visit this link: The Family: A Proclamation to the World. There are some people in the world that would say that we all need to be equal or that we must all be the same. I do not believe that if should be this way. If we were to all be the same, how in the world could we ever enjoy the wonders or genius that come from different styles of thinking? We need variety. The world needs variety, and we should give everyone an equal opportunity to search out what it is that makes them different. However, when we speak in terms of men and women, we can be equal without being the same. We need to celebrate our differences.

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