Saturday, December 12, 2015

Real Men Are Dads.

I love my dad. He is the best. He has made such big influence on me and he is very supportive of most of my hair-brained ideas. I look up to him and am so grateful to have him in my life. I know that it has made a lot of difference to have my dad and mom raise me. A few weeks ago, I was able to read a few articles about the importance of why we still need fathers in our society and how they fulfill many of their children's needs. The more that I see of life and the problems that surround us, I can see that a lot of what is happening (at least when talking about our societal problems) is caused by a lack of fathers in the home. It reminds of something that one of the leaders of the LDS Church had said when talking about the home; “The greatest work we will ever do will be within the walls of our home.” (David O. McKay)
In today's world, it is advocated that it should not matter if a child comes from a family with two mothers or two fathers. Many people say that men and women are and should be the same, so therefore can provide the same care that every child needs. Now, I am not saying that there cannot be those rare cases in which a mother can provide for what her child needs, but in most cases the children are likely to act out due to the absence of a father. There is just something about a dad that makes him irreplaceable. But not just a dad, but an actively involved dad. One that is present in the child's life.
That is why I feel so blessed to have my dad. I remember times where I was so incredibly embarrassed by him, but I am so grateful for those times. And it hasn't stopped either, but it just shows that he cares. I am so grateful for all the wonderful fathers in my life, They make such a difference. Real men are dads.

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